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VentureSouth Portfolio
VentureSouth Announces Successful Exit From Portfolio Company Atlas Organics
VentureSouth is pleased to announce that it has successfully exited one of its portfolio company investments following the acquisition of Atlas Organics by Generate Capital. Atlas Organics is a developer and operator of commercial composting solutions based in Spartanburg, SC. Atlas Organics recently completed a transformational transaction aimed at expanding its operations nationwide in partnership with Generate Capital, a leading owner and operator of organic waste processing solutions and sustainable infrastructure in North America. VentureSouth first invested in Atlas Organics by leading the company’s seed round in late 2015, when Atlas was an early-stage startup with a team of fewer than five people. Including four additional funding rounds over the next six years, approximately 200 VentureSouth members invested nearly $2 million in Atlas Organics as the company grew to over 135 people across five states. Three VentureSouth sidecar funds (VentureSouth Angel Funds I, II, and III) also invested in Atlas. Terms of the partnership remain undisclosed, but all of the VentureSouth investors and funds realized significant investment returns across each of the investment rounds. VentureSouth Managing Director Paul Clark commented: “It has been a pleasure and privilege to invest in Joseph McMillin, Gary Nihart, and the Atlas Organics team; to watch them mature and grow as entrepreneurs and leaders; and to generate positive returns for VentureSouth members from investing in local companies. We’re grateful for the partnership, proud of the part VentureSouth and its members have played in its growth, and excited to see how Atlas continues to grow its business nationwide with the new capital from Generate Capital.” CEO of Atlas Organics, Joseph McMillin, added, “Thanks to the VentureSouth team and members who have provided invaluable capital, advice, board contributions, and support over several years to help Atlas grow to where we are today. In the next four years, we will continue to grow Atlas, from our home in Spartanburg, SC, to the premier organics recycling company in the nation.” To perhaps be a part of the next Atlas Organics, please join us here.
January 14, 2022
Venture south fallback
Exits: The Last Complications
The pie is so close you can almost taste it. But wait a second!Escrow accountsIn most transactions, the buyer will insist that some of the proceeds are set aside into an escrow account. Why?Despite all the diligence an acquirer might do on a company, they cannot know everything they might want to – in part because the selling company might not know everything. An acquirer has to rely on certain “representations and warranties” from the selling company’s management team about what kind of pie this company is and what condition it is in. Those “reps” might be made in good faith and to the best knowledge of everyone involved, but still be wrong.For example, as an under-the-radar startup, you are hopefully not in the crosshairs of many lawsuits. Once the $100 million transaction announcement goes out, though, lots of people now have an incentive to make a claim: no point suing a cashless startup; but lots of point suing a company being acquired for $100 million.So instead of letting the selling shareholders have all their pie and eat it, some of the filling gets left behind to potentially pay for dealing with these surprises. In our experience, a “holdback” of 5-10% of the proceeds, set aside into an escrow account for generally 12-18 months, is fairly typical. These holdbacks can also be subdivided into a number of different buckets – indemnity escrows, tax escrows, PPP escrows, and others, depending on how everyone negotiates.As a seller, therefore, you should not expect a complete piece of the pie. The 5-10% is sitting on the shelf, and though you might hope to eat it all next year, you shouldn’t expect to; these unexpected challenges (and the fees those create) mean others will be nibbling away at your slice.Oh, also, the sellers have to pay an escrow agent some fees for the privilege of looking after this money. Another few mouthfuls or watery gallons gone.EarnoutsWait! In many transactions, the buyer will insist that some of the proceeds are only payable if the acquired company hits some particular targets. Revenue goals for the next couple of years, for example. What happens now?Well, obviously the selling shareholders shouldn’t pocket that money now – getting it back if the targets aren’t hit would be impossible. So that consideration is simply not included yet. If the headline price of $100 million consisted of 50% at the closing date of the transaction and 50% if the company hit its targets, you have to go back to the top of the waterfall and re-calculate based on $50 million.Some of that recalculation will be easy; some not, or a bit more arguable. For example, does the investment banking fee get paid on the whole $100 million now, or not? Does the liquidation preference get calculated assuming there’s no earnout, or not? Most of these things are covered in the contracts, but it all requires thorough review to get right.Aside from more math, what should a selling shareholder assume about getting this money? Sadly, it is a pretty safe working assumption that you will not get paid any consideration promised through an earnout. I’m sure there are good statistics out there to improve our anecdotes, but in general acquired companies (just like early-stage startups) do not hit budgets, and earnouts generally disappoint.There are many good reasons (just as there are many good reasons that startups don’t hit their projection models!); but in the same way a sensible investor will “haircut” a projection hockey-stick, a prudent buyer will not assume the acquired company will perform as advertised, and so will set earnouts to protect against it. A prudent seller should be skeptical of the chances of seeing any of that earnout.Carried InterestWait! Now VentureSouth gets a cut! Or Angelist, or the venture capital fund, or whoever else manages the fund or investment vehicle through which you invested.In general, as we’ve covered before, you expect to see somewhere around 20% of the net gain going out in carried interest. This can vary – a bargain at 10% at VentureSouth; 20-25% at VC funds; potentially even more at AngelList or other platforms – but it’s only ever zero if you invested directly in the company without these other groups involved. If you have the time, deal flow, administrative staff, and everything else to do that, great – but you have a whole different set of costs to consider to do that.Still, a small sliver of your pie slice is feeding fund managers’ bellies through carried interest.Are we done losing pie yet? Not quite. See the next post for one last complication.
January 10, 2021
Venture south fallback
Exits: Dividing the Pie
As we’re close to the bottom of the waterfall, we are now including a third metaphor as we figure out how to “divide the pie”.Management BonusesAn acquiring company is typically buying a company and, at least for a while, its management team. The buyer, therefore, wants the management team to be well motivated; it doesn’t care if exiting shareholders are well rewarded. So, the transaction terms often include a “management bonus” that diverts some proceeds from shareholders to management.Sometimes this bonus is merited; sometimes only the management team thinks this is merited. Sometimes it is structured in a reasonable way, like a bonus for hitting targets after acquisition; sometimes it is structured in a less palatable way, like simply taking some of the transaction consideration and giving it to the management team despite having no contractual right to it. As you can tell, this management bonus issue can be a source of discontent and disappointment.In particular, if the management bonus is getting paid before the investors receive overlapping liquidation preferences, there is a good chance that the management team and investors are not going to agree that this is merited. From the investor’s perspective, in an unsuccessful exit, giving management a bonus for failing to meet their promises and execute their plan, and locking in our loss (sometimes without our consent) seems a bit rich. The whole point of a liquidation preference is so that investors get their money back first before the entrepreneurs prosper.But protests aside, the reality is that, if the board approves and other shareholders agree that there’s no better alternative, there goes another few gallons of water before it reaches the bottom of the fall.Liquidation PreferencesWe have (finally) reached far enough down the waterfall to reach the equity holders – the most junior securities holders, but the ones who get the “upside” if there is some.If you’ve been to any of our workshops in the past, you’ll know that “dividing the pie” is often not a trivial calculation. Even taking all you’ve learned from our cap table courses, figuring out who gets what between overlapping liquidation preferences, (capped) participation, convertible note acquisition change of control, forgotten warrants, vesting options, and other complications is no easy task.For now, let’s assume this calculation is done correctly, and as a Series Seed investor, you are (despite all the lost water) pretty happy with your gain and distribution. If your entry valuation was low enough, you should be!However, we’re sad to tell you that your watery slice of pie is not coming to you quite yet. Check back for the next post for some more complications.
January 8, 2021
Venture south fallback
Exits: The First Evaporations
There are a few immediate claims on the water heading into the waterfall; some of these are fairly obvious, others are more complicated or controversial.Transaction feesInvestment bankers, attorneys, accountants, advisors, and other service providers that have helped to make the exit happen get paid first for their services. These “transaction fees” can be substantial, with often several percent of the consideration going to pay those who have contributed to the transaction.We generally recommend using an investment banker to drive a competitive exit process, as these generally lead to a higher acquisition price and a lower burden on management’s time and impact on the business. These benefits, though, come at a price. Though it varies, you could budget 5% of the transaction value, which can be several hundred thousand, potentially millions, of dollars, to these fees.(Incidentally, if you need connections to good southeastern investment bankers, let us know – we work with our favorites frequently.)Debt repayment Next comes debt.First come all those payables a company builds up over its history. Loans from founders or employees; employer taxes payables; kind payable terms your in-house counsel has given you over the years. All these liabilities come due, and all this informal credit gets called, because the company can at last pay it off!At the same time comes formal secured or unsecured debt, like bank or SBA loans, funding from the NC Biotech center, or other investment loan programs. More recently, programs like PPP funding or EIDL loans have added to this list.Then comes outstanding convertible note debt. While the goal of convertible notes is to convert into equity, if simply getting repaid gives the noteholders more proceeds then that’s what they can do. (Our convertible note guide explains how notes are essentially a senior liquidation preference in many scenarios.) If paid out, noteholders get principal and interest, plus any other bonuses (like a 2x change of control premium) to which they are entitled. (This probably doesn’t apply to the $100 million exit, but for <$20 million exits it could definitely soak up a lot of the proceeds.)All these get repaid from the water flowing down the waterfall first, because debt is “more senior” than equity in waterfalls.  Working capital adjustmentTransactions almost always need to adjust for a “normal” level of working capital in a business, and this adjustment typically reduces the headline price.Countless hours are spent trying to figure out what a “normal” level of working capital is. The precise complications and calculations are too arcane even for a VentureSouth blogpost, so let’s just say for now that, as an investor in the selling company, you will probably find that these adjustments end up making money disappear from your proceeds! Regardless of the details, the Golden Rule applies: when you invested, you had the gold and made the rules; now the acquiror has the gold, they make the rules.
January 7, 2021
Venture south fallback
Exits: waterfalls, holdbacks, escrows, earnouts, and carry – some of the complexities of “an exit”
“Make Money. Have Fun. Do Good.” is the VentureSouth motto.This first part, Make Money, is (we believe) the key point of angel investing – and something our members have been able to do. You do it through “exits” – getting your investment back plus, hopefully, a gain when the company you invested in gets acquired. To celebrate the most recent successful exit from the VentureSouth portfolio, we thought it topical and helpful to examine some of the concepts and complications around “exits,” and so here is a new series to set the goal for 2021 to be “the year of the exit.”***A lot of work goes into reaching an exit: finding, structuring, negotiating, and executing investments; active work from board members, portfolio connectors, and advisors; exit strategizing, planning, preparation, and execution; and much more – not to mention the never-ending labor of the founders, management team, and employees to build a business by creating value for customers.After all that effort, the happy day comes when the founder reports to investors that we’ve been acquired for $100 million!After the initial congratulations, but before the celebrations get too carried away and the proceeds get spent, we need to understand what this actually means: what the proceeds are, who gets how much of them, and when the money begins to flow. We start at the top of a waterfall tomorrow.
January 4, 2021
Venture south fallback
Executing Exits - "our" exits
We are bringing this Executing Exits workshop to the Carolinas for the first time because exits are so integral to angel investing, and so crucial to all the efforts aiming to develop our early stage community.We’re also personally interested in the workshop, as "executing exits ourselves" has been an important part of our “prior lives.”To blow our horns for three paragraphs, Mac has sold five companies himself – including to NBC Sports and Mountain Khakis to Remington. He is an exceptional resource to help companies create a long-term exit strategy – and execute it.Paul began his career at NM Rothschild & Sons in London – one of the oldest, active, and most prestigious M&A advisory firms in Europe. He helped advise on sales of companies sold for in total almost $10 billion – including the largest sale of a chain of private hospitals in the UK.And under Matt’s stewardship VentureSouth’s investors have already seen 9 investment rounds fully exited (and 11 more partially exited). You can see a list of these exits on our portfolio page.VentureSouth’s exits have included some stellar returns – including several returns above our target 50% IRR.* In aggregate they have generated a 1.4x return, and quickly enough to create an IRR overall of 60%. These have ranged from one at 6% IRR (not amazing, though still a win) to one at 2817% IRR (amazing). Please refer more of those to us!But even with this long expertise and positive track record, we have plenty more learning to do. We have several companies that are not as close to reaching an exit as they could have been by now. How can investors encourage / cajole / help / compel their portfolio companies to drive to an exit? Perhaps this workshop is the first step.*IRR = Internal Rate of Return = an annual rate of return. 50% IRR compares to around 7% annual return from owning public equities.
November 28, 2016
Venture south fallback
Executing Exits - who should come?
After the first post about exits, a few people asked who should attend the Executing Exits workshop next week.Essentially, everyone:Investors·       An angel investor – obviously – whether in our groups, another group, or a “lone wolf”·       Anyone who works for a VC or PE fund – exits are your livelihood too·       And anyway that’s been a “friends and family” investor in a companyEntrepreneurs·       Angel-funded companies including our portfolio companies·       Entrepreneurs who will be looking to raise angel or VC funding·       More widely, any entrepreneur should find this valuable. Assuming you are not planning to live and operate your business forever, you need an “exit plan.” Whether that is today, in the next 3-5 years, or in 20 years when you hand over to the next generation, understanding how to “execute” your exit can mean the difference between a quiet wind-down and a stellar payday.Ecosystem partners·       M&A advisory providers – always good to get more education.·       Incubators and accelerators seeking to prepare their companies for success.·       Bankers. Knowing how businesses are sold, from the entrepreneurs’ perspective, may help learning·       Economic development efforts. Though it might not seem like it, acquisitions are often the best way of generating real growth for home-grown companiesPotential acquirers·       Anyone running a business that might be looking to grow through acquisition. Useful to know how the “other side” is approaching this transaction.Who have I missed? See you there.
November 22, 2016