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Executing Exits - who should come?

Charlie Banks
Charlie Banks
Last updated: June 10, 2024
Venture south fallback

After the first post about exits, a few people asked who should attend the Executing Exits workshop next week.

Essentially, everyone:


·       An angel investor – obviously – whether in our groups, another group, or a “lone wolf”

·       Anyone who works for a VC or PE fund – exits are your livelihood too

·       And anyway that’s been a “friends and family” investor in a company


·       Angel-funded companies including our portfolio companies

·       Entrepreneurs who will be looking to raise angel or VC funding

·       More widely, any entrepreneur should find this valuable. Assuming you are not planning to live and operate your business forever, you need an “exit plan.” Whether that is today, in the next 3-5 years, or in 20 years when you hand over to the next generation, understanding how to “execute” your exit can mean the difference between a quiet wind-down and a stellar payday.

Ecosystem partners

·       M&A advisory providers – always good to get more education.

·       Incubators and accelerators seeking to prepare their companies for success.

·       Bankers. Knowing how businesses are sold, from the entrepreneurs’ perspective, may help learning

·       Economic development efforts. Though it might not seem like it, acquisitions are often the best way of generating real growth for home-grown companies

Potential acquirers

·       Anyone running a business that might be looking to grow through acquisition. Useful to know how the “other side” is approaching this transaction.

Who have I missed? See you there.